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Sep. 1991
Estabilish of Sewon Engineering Co.
Mar. 1993
Completed the development project of Irregular wave generator with KIMM
Sep. 1994
Completed the project of 5-hole tube with KIT
Sep. 1996
Joined a member of KOIMA
Oct. 1996
Joined a member of KITA
Dec. 1996
Completed the development project of Shock tube with CNU
Nov. 1998
Completed the development project of Wave height meter with KIMM
Jun. 2000
Moved the factory to 88-16 Dodang-dong Wonmi-gu Bucheon-city Kyungki-do KOREA
Sep. 2001
Completed the development project of Data acquisition sys of Slim XY traversing sys with KARI
Nov. 2003
Completed the development project of Data acquisition sys for wind tunnel with KARI
Jan. 2004
Completed the development project of 2 Phase sensor (5 sensor conductivity probe) with KAERI
Oct. 2004
: Certified ISO 9001(WQA)
Aug. 2006
Extended moved the factory to 170-11 Nae-dong Ojung-gu Bucheon-city Kyung-do, KOREA